Master Metrics
Reporting Guide

Master Metrics Reporting Guide to show
you how I provide data to my clients.

Working in an ever-changing industry can make it difficult to know what and when to share data with your clients. My Reporting Guide will show you how to easily keep your clients in the loop, and build your confidence in your services!

Get immediate access to the checklist
(don’t worry, I’ll also send it to your email for safe keeping)

In exchange for your email address, you’ll get expert social media strategist advice that’ll help you create the business of your dreams with the client of your dreams 

Showing your clients their ROI in your services is key to being confident in your expertise, and helps you to confidently raise your prices! But, knowing how to report data to your clients to show them the progress that’s being made, and reaffirm the value of investing in your services can be tricky.

In the reporting guide I cover:

In the reporting guide I cover:

How often I share reports with my clients

What I share with my clients in those reports

How to create a link that will help you track the ROI of your efforts

Sending my clients consistent reporting (think like a business report) helped me build confidence in my services, which led me to raise my prices.

Get ready to impress your clients by leveling up your service by providing them with consistent data that will prove the worth of your services, and make it impossible for them to ever let you go!


Howdy, I am Lauren Howell a Social Media Strategist, Mentor, and founder of Put Into Words!

As an SMM turned SMS, I am a metrics GEEK! For years I’ve been building and executing CUSTOM data-driven social strategies for my clients, and while I am still doing that for my current clients, I am also using my proven methods to mentor current SMMs looking to increase their value, up their prices, and build a business that they’re proud of – but, of course, none of that comes without FIRST putting in the hard work. 

This is why I’ve created this free checklist (among my other free resources), so you can implement practical steps and build the business of your dreams.

We don’t gatekeep around here - we want every social media professional to succeed! 

If you’re ready to earn more money and work with your dream clients, then stick around because we’re dropping gems on IG and in your inbox (emoji)


Howdy, I am Lauren Howell a Social Media Strategist, Mentor, and founder of Put Into Words!

As an SMM turned SMS, I am a metrics GEEK! For years I’ve been building and executing CUSTOM data-driven social strategies for my clients, and while I am still doing that for my current clients, I am also using my proven methods to mentor current SMMs looking to increase their value, up their prices, and build a business that they’re proud of – but, of course, none of that comes without FIRST putting in the hard work. 

This is why I’ve created this free checklist (among my other free resources), so you can implement practical steps and build the business of your dreams.

We don’t gatekeep around here - we want every social media professional to succeed! 

If you’re ready to earn more money and work with your dream clients, then stick around because we’re dropping gems on IG and in your inbox (emoji)


Thanks for dropping your email.

Grab your Metrics Reporting Freebie HERE!

Stay in touch, and feel free to send me any questions you have along the way in your Social Media Management journey.

If you haven’t done so already, be sure to join my channel -> SMM TIPS HERE

Hey! I'm Lauren

Social Media Strategist and metrics GEEK! My motto is, “calmly and clearly” and I live for Building & Executing CUSTOM Data Driven Social Strategies.